Entrance: Takes you directly inside the theater to view available episodes.

Fleet: Takes you directly to the GFL-ISC fleet site.

GFL: Takes you to the Galactic Foreign Legion site, where various fleets are formed using the Starfleet Command: Orion Pirate starship simulator.

SFC: Takes you to Interplays information site about Starfleet Command, a fantastic starship simulation developed by Taldren.

Links: Takes you to a listing of online resources for the ISC Theater.


About the ISC Theater:

The ISC Theater can be best described as an online comic strip movie experience.

The ISC Theater is an experiment in using the power of the web to display a comic strip in the manner of a slideshow, each panel being the same size to give a movie theater experience.

To begin viewing the show, just click Entrance on the left.

The artwork is hand drawn, scanned, colored, and pasted onto various backgrounds. The beautiful starship and space scenes are taken from Taldren's fantastic PC game Starfleet Command: Orion Pirates.

The continuous story of ISC Theater is broken down into episodes, with a new episode expected every 2 weeks (give or take).

Feel free to subscribe to the ISC Theater Newsletter. Subscribers of the ISC Theater Newsletter will enjoy advanced viewing of new episodes and insights on the strip characters and panel creation:

Join the ISC Theater Newsletter!
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Links to the new episodes will be provided at the ISC Theater Newsletter weeks prior to them being posted here at the lobby.

If you wish to use an image displayed in the ISC Theater, you may do so, however, only if you provide a link to http://www.geocities.com/reptor7/isctheater.html

If you have any questions, feel free to drop me a line at Reptor7@Yahoo.com

Enjoy the show!

Jim Hurst

The Captain:

The captain is a Meskeen, the so-called "Captains race". The Meskeen are an amphibious race that resemble terran frogs with digits. They occupy much of the same position in the ISC that humans do in the Federation, having similar levels of intelligence, ambition, and assertiveness.

Captain Merton actually has 25 years of development, with his first appearance in the army back in the mid 70's:

Merton 1974

Soon he was selected to venture out in space, and defend his planet against the evil empires that threaten all frogdom:

Merton 1976

He did indeed find many adventures:

Merton 1978

And many foes:

Merton 1980

After a long absence, he is back, commanding the CSS Stormbringer in an all new adventure on the ISC Theater.

Enjoy the show!

Merton 2001

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