GFL ISC Recruiting Station

Contact the GFL ISC XO-I-Marko at for information about joining the GFL-ISC roster.

GFL-ISC Command Staff
Name Rank Office Medals/Awards Special
I Playboy 05 Admiral Commanding Officer .
I-Marko 06 Rear Admiral Executive Officer CDA CHC BCR2
I-Skeeve 07 Commodore Training Officer CDA
I-Reptor 07 Commodore Communications Officer MCUF CDA BCR5
I-Orangebeard 08 Fleet Captain Ambassador CBGB
I-KnightTime 08 Fleet Captain Security Officer .
I-WiglyT 09 Captain CO Alpha Squadron CBGB
I-Frog_King 09 Captain . . .
I-Sparty 11 Lieutenant Commander XO Alpha Squadron CBGB
I-Marc_up47 11 Lieutenant Commander . MCUF CDA BCR2
I-Orcrist 12 First Lieutenant . Angry Angels MCUF
I-Demandred 12 First Lieutenant XO Beta Squadron CBGB
I-Zyven 12 First Lieutenant . .
I-GoodGuy 12 First Lieutenant . .
I-DarkViper 13 Second Lieutenant . .
I-Hawkman 13 Second Lieutenant . . .
I-Haza 13 Second Lieutenant . . .
I-Qball 13 Second Lieutenant . . .
I-Red 14 Lieutenant JG. . . .
I-Frogs 15 Ensign . . .
I-Direwolf 15 Ensign . . .
I-Garns 15 Ensign . . .
I-Chronix 15 Ensign . . .
I-Atom 15 Ensign . . .
I-CORE 15 Ensign . . .
I-Kakkurat 16 Midshipman . . .
I-Dopeoddy2 16 Midshipman . . .
I-Steeleg 16 Midshipman . . .
I-Bhaalor 16 Midshipman . . .
I-Aiur 16 Midshipman . . .
I-Howard 16 Midshipman . . .

Rank Structure

1 God of the Council
2 Demi-God (Avatar of the Council)
3 Fleet Admiral
4 Admiral
5 Vice Admiral
6 Rear Admiral
7 Commodore
8 Fleet Captain
9 Captain
10 Commander
11 Lieutenant Commander
12 First Lieutenant
13 Second Lieutenant
14 Lieutenant JG
15 Ensign
16 Midshipman
17 Recruit

"Buuud.... Buuud.....Buuud...Wiisse...Buuud...Buuud....Errrrr..... Buuud - Wiisse - Errrrr." Quote from a famous meeting held by three ISC Admirals. *IppyDip

Webmaster: Reptor